Fig 2. OneMinute® is much more efficient than Pierce's Restore. 
5% milk nitrocellulose Western blots of HeLa cell lysate proteins were probed with Mouse-anti-Human RIPK1 (protein 1, BD, 610458) at 1:200 dilution, HRP- Goat-anti-Mouse (Amersham) at 1:2,000 dilution. The signal was detected using ECL(Panel A). Blots were stripped with 2ml of OneMinute® Stripping Buffer (30sec, RT), or 10ml of competitor stripping buffer (P's R product) for either 30 sec or 15min at RT, and then incubate to ECL to evaluate the stripping efficiency of secondary antibody (Panel B). OneMinute® Buffer treated blot was washed 3x 10 sec with TBST, and directly re-probed without re-blocking. Competitor stripping buffer treated blot was washed 3x 10min, blocked with 5% milk for 1hour, and washed 3x 15min with TBST. Blots were re-probed with Mouse-anti-Human IKKgamma (protein 2, BD, 559675) at 1:200 dilution, HRP-Goat-anti-Mouse (Amersham) at 1:2,000 dilution and detected with ECL(Panel C). The  removal of the primary antibody against Protein 1 was also evaluated by using same secondary antibodies (Anti-Mouse). 15min stripping with competitor P's R product completely removed secondary antibody (right lane in Panel B) but failed to completely remove primary antibody (right lane in Panel C).