Tens of signal transduction pathways have been identified. Pinning down 20,000 puzzles (genes) in the maps of signal pathways is intensively pursued world-widely. However, it is much less efficient to guess and check signal pathway one-by-one, which is the most common strategy employed. Therefore, a simple and facile way that can simultaneously screen tens of signal pathways will dramatically promote new discoveries. We provide a tool, PathwayScan, which meets these urgent and tremendous needs. Making new discoveries has never been easier (click here for details)

PathwayScanTM Multi-Pathway Reporter Kit is to scan 46 signaling pathways simultaneously in a single test. 46 luciferase reporter plasmids were constructed proprietarily to monitor 46 signaling pathways such as NFkB, MAPK, P53, etc.(see table below). All of the common pathways in cancer, immune, stem cell, development, nuclear receptor, GPCR, RTK, stress and toxicity are included. PathwayScan provides the following two formats.

     PathwayScan Multi-Pathway Reporter Kit 
  • Scan 46 signal pathways in a single test
  • Identify novel pathways for a gene, chemical, drug, siRNA/shRNA/miRNA
  • Pathways crosstalk under a variety of conditions
  • Pathway profiling
  • Phenotype identification for mice, cell-lines

     PathwayScan Single Pathway Reporter Kit
  • 46 single reporter plasmids to be picked as desired
  • Unparalleled sensitivity


